Make Your own Media

Making Your Media site

With this walk-through I hope that you will be able to build and manage your own media website to control what you share with others.

Import the project

Import this project into Forestry

Setup the build

  • Go to and sign up using your Gitlab account and authorize Netlify to access it.

* You can Skip this quick start guide.

* Now Import your site.

* Select Gitlab as your source.

* Find and select the Your Media project.

* Don’t change any of the settings and click Deploy site.

* Your site will start deploying.

* Once it is finished you can change the name in Site settings.

* Change the Site Name to be whatever you want.

* Once changed you will want to copy the new site URL for later use.

Manage Your Media!

  • Your site will be managed throung Go there and login using your Gitlab account again.

* You will now need to Add your site.

* When prompted you will need to select a HUGO version 0.54.0 import.

* Again select Gitlab.

* Now find Your Media project in the list and select the Master branch.

* You can skip Inviting Guests and click Import Site.

* Now your manager is created and all of your configuration is done so you can skip setup by clicking the mark as done options then complete setup.

* Everything is setup and ready for changes. In the sidebar you are only worried about the top 3 items. Config, Pages, and Posts


  • Change your Title. Past your URL that you coppied from netlify.

* By clicking on Params you can change your banner image and your greeting


  • You only have one page that is your About page. Here you can put as much detail about yourself or Your Media as you would like.

* Be sure to Save any changes you make.


  • The majority of your content will be in a Post. There will be some example posts showing you some of what is capable here. You can delete these or Mark then as Drafts so that they don’t show up on your site.
  • Start a new post by clicking Create new -> Posts.

* Fill out the post form. You will want at least a Title. The tags field is for grouping your posts and will help split up you rss feeds. The Content Image and Main body will make up your post. Remember to turn Draft off and Save.

* You content will automatically update your site and should show up within minutes. * YOUR DONE! You have made your first post.

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Add Post on Mobile

Make Your own Media

My first post


2019 (3)